this blog is a place where you can keep up to date with what is going on at Kim Curran Photography. I will be posting images from new sessions, some fun, educational photo facts & just some random happenings that will give you insight as to what makes me tick ( & click). So keep checking in with me when you are bored or just simply have a few spare moments. Maybe you can share a cup of coffee with me.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do I have a Studio??? Kim Curran san diego photographer

No, for a few reasons, I do not.....maybe someday.

I live in San Diego where on any given day it is 72 & partly cloudy. In fact, I believe to be a weather person here, you must graduate at the bottom of your class, no offense intended.
I have a variety of locations from which to chose. The beach, Balboa Park, down town or just some alley will work. The first thing I look at is the light. If I have the lighting I desire, I can get a shot almost anywhere. If I do not like the background I have, I can use a lens with a wide aperture (click on this link for a quick lesson). This will create a shallow dept of field, leaving me with a blurry, creamy background that I just love.
isn't she pretty?

Lastly, I just don't need much space to get "the shot". A perfect example is my friend turned client Jennifer Caltabellotta. Her kids are school age so she decided to begin working with her husband, Joe, in real estate. She needed a head shot. I went to her home & this is what we got. 

Jennifer has pets. This is what was going on around us.
 Jennifer has as "fun things to do in San Diego" page
be sure to "like" it

Mr. Mink the cat and friends


  1. LOL! Nice. SO many "cock" jokes running through my head...
    Amazing Mr Mink doesn't go for the the birds!
    Beautiful head shot.

  2. give us your best one, Kelly! When I'm at Jen's, I have had chats w/ Mr. Mink. I have tried to tell him, "chicken tastes good!".

  3. Jennifer CaltabellottaJuly 20, 2011 at 10:46 PM

    Your work is so amazing! You never cease to amaze me at the most beautiful shots you can get from the most unexpected places. I was just sitting in an ordinary spot in our backyard but since you had the perfect lighting the shot looks perfect. You can make pictures by a dumpster look gorgeous! BTW Honey, our chicken, looks stunning!
