Inspire, be inspired.............that's kind of my unofficial mantra. Do you have a mantra? You can use mine, if you like, until you find your own. Lately I've been inspired to create Photography with Typography, that's what I'm calling it for now although I don't really like that title.
What do you think? Is there one that speaks to you? You may take it if you want. Put it on your blog or on your face book page. Just please link it back to this post & leave me a comment or shoot me an e-mail so I can see where you put it & how you used it.
Also, do you have a quote or a saying that is special to you? Maybe you would like me to create a Photography with Typography (that's just not working) just for you. Let me know. And maybe you have a suggestion as to what to call my new art.
my favorite xoxo |
Oh my gosh! So a cute shot of Isabelle and Jack!